Thursday, April 28, 2011

X is for Xenophon

A common name in my husband's family is Xenophon.  It's Greek.  I pronounce it like Zeen-o-phone.  He pronounces it like Ex-zan-o-fon.  He loves to tell the story of his grandmother telling everyone, "No more Xenophon!"  Apparently all the men up to that point had this same name, and she had had enough.  I kind of wish we had given our baby this unusual name.  We could call him X for short.

Xenophon is also the name of a Greek historian I would never have heard of if my husband hadn't told me the story of his family name.  He has a Wikipedia entry if you are interested. 

(I find it strange that the spell check recognized "Xenophon" but not "Wikipedia.")


  1. Interesting story. Funny how names can run in families and then just stop. Now I's the grandmother power!

  2. What a great and unique post for X! Pleasure to meet you via A to Z.

  3. So cool! Be sure and tell your son all about it so that perhaps he'll name HIS son Xenophon!

  4. My husband just saw my entry here and laughed out loud.

  5. I like it! Or you could call him Xeno for short. I wonder if the kids at school would call him xylophone though. :)

  6. Very unusual name that has lots of possibilities for nicknames! Cute story! Julie
