Sunday, June 7, 2015

IWSG - June and July 2015

Well, it seems I missed Insecure Writer's Support Group day. On the up side, I've been busy writing and preparing for what I hope will be a totally awesome novel writing conference.

When I attempted to get to this page to write this apologetic post, Blogger threw literally a dozen errors at me. Is Blogger not working well any more? I suppose it's time to move to something that's actually being supported. Any recommendations?

As for the insecurity, I'm actually feeling pretty good now that I've regained my momentum on my novel and have figured out the sequence of scenes for the middle of the novel. I will be at my writer's conference for the next IWSG day, so please take this as my post for July as well. Last year, I was so insecure, I could not have gone to this intense of a conference. Now, today, I'm ready for it - and I'm ready to get done with this one so I can get rolling with the next.

Did I tell you all that I received a grant from my university to do research for my next novel? I'll be doing that research in October (probably) and will be visiting the gravesite of my mother's great grandmother. She was Cherokee and was a dead end on the family tree. I've uncovered some evidence that she was a child apprentice (basically an indentured servant) at a boarding house in Tennessee. I'm not sure if she will literally be the main character or if she will simply inspire the story. I'm really excited for this project and to finally finish the one I'm on now.

Have a lovely summer. My apologies for being absent. I may sneak in here or there, but this may be it until August.



  1. That's awesome about the grant! I heard those are difficult to land.
    No worries about being late. I won't kick you out.
    As far as Blogger, only GFC seems to be freaking out at the moment.

    1. I'm still getting errors on the dashboard. What's GFC? (I'm sure I'll figure it out as soon as I click Publish.)

  2. It's all good. Keep writing. As for Blogger, it's a Blooger.

  3. Lots of exciting stuff going on for you! I love that you have squelched your insecurities and that you have no qualms about attending this conference. Good for you!!!

    When I hired designers to re-do my website, they talked me into transferring my blog to WordPress. But WP comes with a whole new set of problems, and if I'd known them in advance, I would have stuck with Blogger. :(

    1. Thanks, Dianne. And sorry I haven't been by your site lately. I can't do anything without getting an error. When I close the error dialogue box, it works just fine. Very annoying.

  4. My problem with Blogger is that lately it isn't letting me comment via my wordpress account which is where my current blog is.
    I think your writing project sounds like a winner. Hope it goes well.

    1. It sounding like a personal problem I'm having. Hmmm.

  5. 1. CONGRATS ON YOUR GRANT, OHMYGAWD THAT'S AAAAMAAAAAAZIIIIIING!!!!!!!! Kudos, kudos, and kudos again! What a fascinating opportunity you're exploring!

    2. Please stick with Blogger! I bet it was just the Web browser you were using, acting up. Firefox gets glitchy, so I go to Chrome. Then Chrome flakes and I'm back to Firefox. :-)

    1. 1. THANK YOU!!!! It's not that much money - just will cover one trip, but I'm very happy I got it.

      2. I'm thinking you are right since it seems to just be me.

  6. Here's to keeping the momentum going.

  7. Hi,
    Congratulations on your grant. I find that awesome! I am going to apply for a fellowship for 2016 and hope that I receive it.
    Also happy to hear that you are doing well with your book. Great. It is so necessary to experience times when everything seems to flow together. It builds us up.
    All the best.

  8. Congratulations!!! How exciting for you. It's always nice when one receives any type of writing accolades. It's even better when they come with money! Good luck with your novel. It sounds like you're off to a wonderful start.

  9. Congratulations on your grant! That is wonderful. I'm glad you are going to a conference. I haven't been able to go to one for a couple years, but am in serious need of one that is retreat style. I think my husband and I are going to have to have a serious discussion about it this weekend....Again, congratulations on your successes. :)

    1. This one was a rather intense novel writing workshop. The group dynamic was really good. It's has been a wonderful experience.

  10. In my opinion, there is a gremlin paid by the internet fairies to disable, frustrate, and randomly block our attempts to keep up with our cyberspace connections. Blessings.

  11. I've been having problems with Blogger too even though all I ask of it is to let me post with my WORDPRESS account, which is where my blog is.
    Congratulations on the grant.

    1. If I click any action on the dashboard it throws an error. It's not a complicated program. Should just work. I'm fairly certain (and not at all paranoid) that it's an attempt to get us to move something else.

  12. Congratulations on your new book and conference! You should be proud. I've been having trouble posting videos on blogger. I keep contemplating on going to Wordpress which I did have a blog there at one point but it is too overwhelming to me.

  13. Congrats on that grant! What an opportunity!
    Happy Writing!
