Saturday, March 6, 2010

Two Books Finished

I am really happy that I finished two of the books this week.  I finished Sense and Sensibility on Monday and White Fang yesterday.  The funny thing is that when I was one and a half pages from the end of both books on separate days, my baby woke up, forcing me to postpone the ending.

I have time to read today but am not sure if I actually am in the mood to read any of the books on my list of half-read books.  I am tempted to start something new or just read short stories. 

This morning, one of my kids had an early morning school activity.  After the early drop off, I wrote for two hours, very productively, not just journalish "writing practice" type stuff.  I think today I will read Kate Chopin's The Awakening.  It's about 100 pages long in one of the literature anthologies I have.  I remember reading it and enjoying it, but have absolutely no recollection of what it was about.  Hopefully I can finish it this weekend.

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