Wednesday, March 4, 2015

IWSG - March 2015

It's incredible to me that another month has come and gone. This post is part of Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh and a crew of others. On the off chance you haven't heard of it, visit the IWSG site.

I've had waves of insecurity lately, but it all washes away the moment I sit down to write. My problem with that is I haven't had a lot of time to write over the last few months. We moved to a new house (which is always more difficult that expected) and then I spent a month painting and fixing up the old house so we could list it. Just about the time I got that done, my classes started, and I completely lost my momentum.

What's really helped is setting goals for myself and having someone else share in those goals. My critique partner and I decided to sign up for a summer writing conference, which is a little pricey. We both entered the conference's short story competition in hopes of getting a scholarship. Both of us write novels, but the act of writing and polishing a (very short) short story all in one day made me feel like I really just need to set aside time to focus.

I've loved the idea of participating in Write1Sub1, the challenge to write and submit a short story once a week or once a month Ray Bradbury style, and have signed up more than once, but never have actually followed through on it. Now I feel like I can do it (monthly, not weekly).

What's your insecurity? Are you participating in Write1Sub1? What do you do when you have lost your momentum with your writing?


  1. Good luck with the conference. I didn't think I could do short stories either (just short novels) until I tried.
    Hope everything is settled from the move and you get time to feel the joy of writing again.

  2. I was told about Write1Sub1 and really wanted to do it. I LOVE Ray Bradbury and planned on doing the monthly version, because one story a week seemed a little extreme to me. Of course, how many stories have I written? 0. Regarding the momentum, I think rereading a favorite book/watching a favorite movie/visiting a favorite museum/anything you truly love and find inspirational will get you going again. You need to find that want to write and you find it in that need to create, which, I have found, comes from being around things you love and find inspirational. Congrats on the new house and conference!

  3. What I posted about was insecurity about getting reviews, which is true, and my other insecurity is about writing the first draft. I'm currently in the process of beginning a new book and it's incredibly difficult to get this horrible first draft on paper. Good luck with your conference!!!

  4. Yep, I feel a bit like that so far this year. And we might be moving soon too (groan). It's really about carving out time and not letting everything take over, which is hard. Good luck with Write1Sub1. I signed up, submitted in January but not February, but I'm planning to do two this month to make up for it. I've seen a good couple of opportunities and they have deadlines of the end of the month, which helps. I'll regret it if I don't do them!

  5. When I lost momentum on a project, it's usually best if I walk away from it for awhile and work on something else. It will call me back when it's ready for me!

  6. Querying has brought my insecurity to new heights. Really, some days I just want to quit writing forever. But having those short term goals like entering a contest or delivering a new chapter to a critique partner keep things a little more grounded and moving forward.

  7. Not enough time right now is my insecurity. There never seems to be enough to get done what I want to. It doesn't help that I'm a slow writer either.

  8. Sometimes just doing what makes you feel insecure is enough to get you over that hump. Good for you. Keep going.

  9. I hate to admit it, but, since you asked. When I lose my momentum on writing/finishing my writing projects, I ignore my laptop, turn on the TV and watch Meredith Vieria, Dr. Phil, The Talk, or some other mindless show. Yeah, really. I've also found MASH on MeTV station. So good to laugh out loud at Hawkeye and Hot Lips. And I turn off the guilt switch while watching these TV shows. No guilt or shame. We all need an escape from reality at times in order to re-enter the fray refreshed. You will too. Best wishes!

  10. Getting a new home set up is a good reason to have to put your writing on hold. But it sounds like you have great goals to get back into it. Best wishes. =)

  11. I hope the upcoming conference inspires you! I had a difficult fall, which made it really difficult to write. But I was already signed up for a conference in January, so that gave me something to look forward to and once I went, I felt inspired again. I hope this conference helps you too. And it's okay to step back for a little while when you have a lot going on.

  12. You are where I was last month. Nothing like a virtual kick in the pants to get writing again. Good luck.

  13. Focus is so important. I tend to focus on too many things at once--I guess that's not really focus is it.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  14. I also lost a lot of my writing momentum this month, because I had a surprise house move to deal with. Basically, I'm planning to let myself ease back into the writing routine. I get more done by increasing incrementally than by trying (and failing) to get huge amounts of writing done every day.

  15. We moved at the end of October and I was in the middle of a rewrite. I feel your pain.

  16. Moving is tough. I have misplaced so many things (or my husbands gave it away) either way. It's disconcerting. Thank you for the Write1sub1 link. Interesting.
