Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Post

I'd love to do one last Christmas post, but I've got nothing.  Christmas feels very surreal to me, kind of flat, like it's just one more day.  I am very happy to have all of my kids home this past week and next week.  We have played board games and card games, and mostly just done a lot of nothing.  I'm glad my ex has forgotten he has the option to have them for half of the two week break - I like them here. 

I'm sure it will get better once it's time to bake cookies for Santa and once we plan what we're going to cook for Christmas dinner.  We bake and cook as a family - the older kids and I.  My little guy is a very good 'dumper' - he likes to pour in the ingredients.  It's really great fun until it's time to do the dishes.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.  For those of you that are writers, I wish you a very productive and successful new year.

(I resolve next year to include more pictures.)


  1. Yes you really do need more pictures. And videos. That's how you get the hits.

    Merry Xmas!

  2. Hits are good - interaction and connecting with others is better!
    Go make some cookies - you'll feel better.
    And Merry Christmas!

  3. Grumpy - Will do. Merry Xmas back.

    Alex - I agree about the connections. I've made great ones over the last year. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Michael - Thank you - you too. I like how you keep retitling yourself. I might start calling myself Motherlord.
